Mentoring Review Program

The Program

This program is designed to assist officers to attain a high level of skill and competency for the next level designation prior promotion.

Promotion in any rank is to be based not just on shipboard appraisals but also only after successful completion of the mentoring program.

The Facility

The mentoring procedure is designed in three stages. The Fleet Management Training Institute (FMTI) designs relevant task activity appropriate to each officer's Mentoring Program and inserts same in the PARIS.

The officer, under the suitable guidance of Senior Officers / Shipboard Mentors, will then do these activities, on board ship and gain suitable knowledge and experience. The officer will then prepare suitable supporting task documentation for each task carried out.

On completion of all relevant task, the officer shall then arrive (during his earned leave period) at FMTI for Review of these supporting task documentation. The documentation should establish not just the fact that the candidate was engaged in such activity but also should indicate that the Mentee has gained a suitably high level of understanding and competence, related to the task.

The Reviewing Faculty

The reviewing faculty will include former Chief Engineers and Master Mariners with adequate experience on foreign going vessels, who are part of FMTI's training team.


To impart information about the vessel the staff are about to join, to enable improvement of Safety, Environmental protection and performance efficiency of our seafarers on joining their vessels.

Target Group

All officers serving on FML vessels seeking promotions.