SafeR+ Socializing Safety Workshop

The Course

The SafeR+ Socializing Safety Workshop is a behaviour based training, designed to change the attitude of Officers and Ratings joining ships to make 'Safe Outcome' a priority while performing any job. They are trained to remove the mental blocks that prevent ship's staff from acting in a safe way, this program endeavors to convert crew from R.A.I.N type persons to become S.U.N type persons and the essentials of SafeR+ which are:

  • How to conduct to Tool Box meetings,
  • S.T.A.R Observations,
  • Issuance of positive feedback cards,
  • Near miss reporting,
  • Safety Passports, Safety Champions, and Safety Incentive programs are covered.

The Workshop involves Group Discussions, performance of dangerous tasks in simulated conditions, after which their short comings are discussed and the participants realize their own short comings, so extra efforts can be made to overcome same.

The Facility

The workshop is conducted in spacious classrooms with modern teaching aids to facilitate comfortable learning.


To reduce the accidents and navigation incidents by 50% each year. By improving the ratio of S.U.N. behavior characteristics versus R.A.IN type characteristics in each crew member onboard.

Target Group

All officers and ratings joining FML ships.


4 hours (0.5 Day)