FURUNO "FMD" ECDIS Type Specific Training
(Models - FMD-3100, FMD-3200, FMD-3200-BB, FMD-3300)
The Course

To train Officers in charge of a navigational watch in the basic theory and operation of FURUNO "FMD" ECDIS (Models - FMD-3100, FMD-3200, FMD-3200-BB, FMD-3300) for maintaining the - Safety of navigation, - Familiarization/explanation of FURUNO "FMD" ECDIS menus and - Familiarization/ explanation of General functions,- Practice in setting up and maintaining FURUNO "FMD" ECDIS, - Planning-monitoring a route and updating the charts.

The Facility

The course is conducted in spacious classrooms with modern teaching aids to facilitate comfortable Learning and supplemented by exercises on Simulator. Trainees are familiarized with the menu structure and practical exercises on the actual ECDIS equipment to cement understanding.


On successful completion of the course, the trainees will have sufficient knowledge, understanding and skills enabling them to operate the FURUNO "FMD" ECDIS for safe navigation, in an efficient manner.

Target Group

The Type-Specific ECDIS Training Furuno FMD Course is open to seafarers who:

  1. Have at least an Officer-in-Charge Navigation Watch certificate and would be serving as an officer on his next vessel assignment.
  2. Should possess an IMO Model Course 1.27 (ECDIS Generic Course) Certificate of Completion from an authorized training institute.


2 Days