MARIS ECDIS Type Specific Training


This program is intended to:

  1. Provide all deck officers - Masters & Chief Officers, Second Officers and Third Officers - 16 hours of classroom training as it pertains to navigation and job responsibilities prior to the deck officer assuming any duties aboard a Fleet vessel.
  2. This classroom training shall review Company's navigational policies relevant to deck officers. The non-delegable nature of the responsibility of deck officers for safe navigation will be emphasized in this training.

The Facility

The course is conducted in spacious classrooms with modern teaching aids to facilitate comfortable Learning and supplemented by exercises on Simulator. Trainees are familiarized with the menu structure and practical exercises on the actual ECDIS equipment to cement understanding.


A trainee upon successful completion of the program should be familiar with MARIS ECDIS as it pertains to navigation, voyage planning and his job responsibilities. He should be familiar with the general use of electronic chart systems, aware of their major features and be able to appreciate how their correct usage enhances the safety of navigation.

Target Group

The Type-Specific ECDIS Training JRC Course is open to seafarers who:

  1. Have at least an Officer-in-Charge Navigation Watch certificate and would be serving as an officer on his next vessel assignment.
  2. Should possess an IMO Model Course 1.27 (ECDIS Generic Course) Certificate of Completion from an authorized training institute.


2 Days