Engine Room Resource Management

The Course

This Engine Resource Management course describes guidelines for training, using an engine-room simulator as a training tool and is specified as one method of demonstrating competence in Column 3 of the tables A-III/1, A-III/2, A-III/4, A-III/6 and A-III/7, this excludes the function "Controlling the operation of the ship and care for the persons on board at the operational level/ management level", as per STCW Code. Emphasis on leadership and managerial skills combined with the use of forms and checklists ensuring for proper and comprehensive hand over to ones reliever. Stress will be applied to watch keeping and communication.

The Facility

The training institute has a full mission engine room simulator consisting of a complete mimic panel of all machinery on modern day ships including propulsion, power generation, pollution prevention and cargo related equipments. It includes a mock engine control room with an automatic data logging facility to monitor the actions of candidates.


In particular, the trainees will be able to have:

  1. familiarization with the use of instrumentation and controls used in the engine-rooms of modern merchant ships,
  2. an awareness of the need for proper pre-planning,
  3. use of checklists and of the timescale involved in starting up propulsion plant machinery,
  4. experience in identifying operational problems and troubleshooting.

Target Group

Chief Engineers and all Engineering watch keeping officers.

  1. all marine engineers who wish to improve their skills knowledge and understanding of the Engine Room Resource Management principles applied to the machinery and personnel of a modern merchant ship.


3 Days