Chief Operating Officer (Elegant Marine Services)
Capt. P.S. Rangnekar is Chief Operating officer at EMSPL, Mumbai office, which is the crewing arm of Fleet Management in India. He is In-Charge of the India Operations of the company.
He is responsible for recruitment of staff from India and under his leadership, EMSPL engages the Indian nationals at various ranks onboard FML vessels, which form majority of crew compliment on board FML managed vessels.
Capt. P.S. Rangnekar completed his pre-sea training at T.S. Rajendra in 1980 and started his career with Scindia Steam Navigation Company and subsequently served in L&T and Farsund Shipping. He sailed as Master from 1994 until Aug 1997, when he joined FML as Marine Superintendent and gradually rose to the present position in the company.
He was also responsible for setting up and functioning of Fleet Management Training Institute at Navi Mumbai, India in 1998, which has state of the art training facilities, approved by Director General of Shipping. He also plays a key role in recruitment and establishing careers of Deck Cadets and Trainee Marine Engineers on company managed vessels.
EMSPL has won many awards and recognitions under Captain Rangnekar's tenure like Best Foreign Employer of Indian Seafarers, Seafarer Welfare Award, Fastest Growing and Promising Company of the Decade, Most compassionate employer of Indian Seafarers and many more. The company enjoys a leading position in the crewing industry, thanks to the energetic Team that relentlessly works with him and has played stellar role in company's growth over the years.
"Institute draws constant guidance and advise from Our Mentors, who are always available when it comes to training matters"