Programme description
This programme is designed to support officers in their career development. It helps to develop their skills and competencies that will help them to move to the next stage in their career.
Promotion to any rank does not only depend on shipboard appraisals but also after the successful completion of this mentoring programme.
The mentoring procedure is designed in three stages. The Institute designs relevant tasks and activities relevant to each officer’s mentoring programme and inputs the data into the Company’s PARIS platform.
The officer under the suitable guidance of senior officers / shipboard mentors will then do these activities on board ship and gain suitable knowledge and experience. He will then prepare suitable supporting task documentation for each task carried out.
On completion of all relevant tasks, the officer will submit the supporting task documentation during his leave to the Institute for review.
The documentation should establish not just the fact that the officer was engaged in such activity but also indicate that he/she has gained a high level of understanding and competence related to the task.
The reviewing faculty
The reviewing faculty includes former Chief Engineers and Master Mariners with adequate experience on foreign going vessels.
To impart information about the vessel the trainee is about to join
To increase performance efficiency of trainees and their awareness on safety and environmental protection
All Officers seeking promotion
The ECDIS support cell is a dedicated team within FMTI that provides technical assistance to our bridge teams who may have issues related to ECDIS, ENCs or similar navigational processes. It also provides guidance to crew for PSC and vetting inspections and oversees the 'management of change' for dual ECDIS vessels or during new ECDIS installation onboard.
To teams onshore, it provides support in drafting policies, analysis of vetting findings and incident investigation.
From time to time, the ECDIS support cell provides insights to key policymakers and industry stakeholders from UKHO, IHO and INTERTANKO to ECDIS manufacturers and ENC suppliers.
In parallel, the team provides bespoke training to class surveyors and auditors and has been a recipient of the Navigational Safety Award at the First World ECDIS Day.